Here we go again. However let’s hope this is our final one. Another lockdown. There are reasons to be hopeful though, and her at we are nothing if not optimists!

If you are an essential worker and you have completed your EDT it is still possible apply for and sit your test. We remain open for all those essential workers who are toiling to keep the rest of us safe and fed. If you have a confirmed test date we can help you with both pretests and carhires.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or need further information about the services we are currently permitted to offer under level 5 restrictions. We fervently hope to be back offering our full suite of services to all students if restrictions are reduced to level 4 on the 5th of April.

In the meantime please continue to follow all public health advice and let’s make 2021 the year you get your licence!

Mick and Steven.